After the late-night emergency room debacle on Wednesday night/Thursday morning, I caught a cold and still went to work Thursday and Friday. My bosses kicked me out early today and I have been spending the afternoon catching up on DVRed shows, but felt like I should be doing something productive.
I made butter.
Glorious fresh butter.
I remember shaking a jar of heavy cream in my first grade classroom, every student taking a turn shaking the jar and eating the butter we all helped make. Yes, I had to Google the directions, but they're pretty simple. Put heavy cream in a jar, fill it about halfway, and shake. The shaking will eventually create whipped cream that practically fills the jar and there's no more liquid-y sloshing, but you keep shaking and the sloshing returns because the butter has separated from the buttermilk. Pour out the buttermilk, and then pour in cold water to shake a bit, pour the (now) cloudy water out and repeat the rinsing until the water is clear. Take out butter and mix in salt if desired and you have fantastic, fresh, soft, and creamy butter.
I didn't have any homemade bread to do the butter justice, but it tasted pretty good on the store bread I did have. I plan to make a loaf of bread this weekend just because of the butter.