Sunday, July 13, 2003

Eaten Alive

Thanks to Joe's excellent planning regarding the bugs coming out of the woods behind his house, I was eaten alive by mosquitoes. That sucks because I managed to get away with zero bites last summer. Thanks Joe. There are several excellent products (quite affordable) that keep the blood suckers away.

In other news, Josh and I went to see a movie tonight, and as we were walking away from the ticket counter, some guy on my left swung his arm out hard and fast, and punched me in the eye. I screamed and the guy says "I'm sorry, I was just saying hi to my friend." I told him I was okay, and he scooted out of there like his head was on fire. Maybe he was scared that I would sue him. I hope I don't bruise.... Perhaps my Saturdays are quite unlucky, as last Saturday, I was scratched across the neck by my dog, leaving a pleasantly visible mark for me to go to work with on Monday.

Ah, battle scars from the weekend: a black eye and huge mosquito bites.

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