Thursday, January 15, 2004

Worst snow day ever

Yesterday at work, I spent an hour and a half typing up a phone list for the twelve employees who go to work now. The actual typing of the list took five minutes. The rest of the time was spent on protocol. People kept fussing about what order people were being notified. This manager has to go after that manager and that manager has to notify those employees. The managers with the call responsibilities had about two to three calls apiece. I know of at least one manager who thought that was too much.

Fast forward to this morning - I woke up at 7, no phone calls. I look out the window and it's still snowing and I'm saying to myself, "There's no way there's work today." I got ready super slow, giving my supervisor time to call me, but by 7:30, no phone call meant work. I dug my car out and drove the five miles to work on the crappy roads, reaching the club in a half hour and finding NO CARS in the parking lot. I called one of my coworkers and she says, "You didn't get a call? There's no work today. You should've called."

Then what's the point of the bloody call list I spent an hour and a half on yesterday if I should call?! If I didn't get a call, that means there's work! It turns out my supervisor called at 8:15, when I was on my way back from work, fuming the entire half hour back home. She says on the message, "I heard you went to work today and I wanted to make sure you got home okay." Ha ha. While everyone got their calls and rolled over back to sleep, I spent an hour driving about for no reason!

And the worst part is - I couldn't get back to sleep after all that fuming and driving.

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