This is Winston. I made him out of two gloves. He is awesome.
He has a little necktie, as he has learned from his CEO that it's important to dress well so you can be noticed at work. However, Winston is but a lowly production assistant and can't afford any clothes besides the tie. All the better, Winston thinks, because he'll be noticed for sure!
I have nearly zero sewing skillz, but I was guided by this neat book, Sock and Glove and it gives instructions for sixteen charming little projects. And even if you're not an expert crafter, the little wonky flaws make your little softy so much more adorable. At first I didn't think Winston looked so great, but as each day passes, I like him more and more.
Yay, Winston! He's very dapper in his green tie. I need to fix mine so he's not so ugly. :)
Hey I saw that book and I wanted to try it out myself! Looks like you did a greta job. Do I need a sewing machine? I really want to try that!
Nope, no sewing machine needed. The instructions are pretty easy to follow, at least for this particular pattern.
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