Monday, July 18, 2005

May I have another?

Here's how big a dork I am:

I started reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince yesterday around 5:00 p.m.

I finished it today around 10:00 p.m. Keep in mind that I did go to bed last night (albeit late) and I did spend the day at work today (without the book).

I really have to say that J.K. Rowling is a great storyteller. There's nothing loosey-goosey about the novels as they progress because she'll mention details that were from her earlier books in the current one. Thanks to that melding of old and new, it feels as though I'm reading one gigantic book, rather than a seven book series. I guess I find Rowling to be a frugal and practical author who doesn't waste any characters she may have written, no matter how brief their appearance in a previous novel.

I feel happy now that I've finished the book, but I bet that tomorrow, I'll wish that the seventh one is about to be released.

A word of warning to those who plan to read/are reading Harry Potter: Don't read the NY Times book review by Michiko Kakutani. It gives away some important parts of the story. As soon as I read one of them, I stopped reading the review so I wouldn't spoil the entire book. My reading really was affected by just that one (although very important) piece of information.

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