Thursday, September 30, 2004

Are we there yet?

Yet again, I think it's been the longest week ever.

On Monday, I had double Civil Procedure from 9:00-12:40, followed by a group meeting for a paper that was due on Wednesday. After my group meeting, which was held in my apartment building, was over, I went to plug my laptop in, and I realized that I'd left my adapter in my Civil Procedure classroom several hours before.


I don't think I've ever walked/ran that fast to school before, but then again, when you don't have a bag of about 50 lbs of textbooks and laptop slung over your shoulder, you tend to move a bit faster.

I checked every security desk, the lost and found, and then went up to my classroom. Of course, there was a class in session, probably the third class to take place after mine was over. It figures that I didn't bring anything with me to read when I've got to sit on the floor outside the classroom waiting for an hour. I went to the library to check out one of the textbooks I needed to read from the reserve section, only to realize that I managed to lose my student ID since I'd walked through the doors of the school.


Again, I ran through the school only to find that I'd lost my student ID at the Lost and Found office. Way to go, Dora.

As soon as the professor ended the lecture, I rushed into the room, went to my seat, and was disappointed. Of course, my adapter was gone. Why would someone be good and honest and turn it in? Why would my fellow law school student, who knows how important my laptop is to me, wish to return it to me? Or at least the proper authorities.


I wound up buying another adapter that night after my professor e-mailed me back saying that nobody told him about an adapter being left behind.

Yesterday in class, I found an adapter someone left behind in the row in front of mine. However, I was nice and found out who that student was, and returned it to her.

That's what a decent person would do.

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