Thursday, May 01, 2003

I wonder how old these Frosted Flakes are

The other day, I was walking down the street with Josh. I felt something on my leg (I was wearing jeans), like a pebble or something, so from the outside of my jeans, I nudged it a little so it'd fall down and out of the bottom. Something black and shiny fell out.... yes... it was a bug. I wasn't sure. It kinda looked like a little ladybug, only completely black. I said, "I don't even want to know what it is because it looked like a bug." Then Josh of course, looks at it and says, "Yup, that's a bug." Panic ensues.

He asks me why I'm so upset when it's not even on my leg anymore and he just doesn't understand. It's the principle. It was on my leg!!! ::shudder::

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