Thursday, April 15, 2004

Reality TV

I'll admit that I loved watching "The Apprentice" this season and there is little left on TV to watch anymore (until next Fall). Normally, I don't like watching reality TV shows. Granted, I did watch some "Real World Las Vegas", but that's because I didn't like the people on the show and I wanted to see if they got theirs in the end. Of course, like most things MTV, the ending didn't deliver and was insubstantial at most.

Somehow, Scott and I started watching "The Apprentice" and we got hooked. Then I got a couple other people hooked. Josh doesn't understand why I love watching the show and he claims that all reality TV shows suck. Yes, I will admit that most of them are crap and don't show people doing anything that they'd ever do in real life. Who is going to swim in a pool of spiders?

Josh mocks me for watching the show as though I'm watching people eat mashed up cow brains and testicles and then puke them back up. I think I liked “The Apprentice” because the challenges faced by the contestants were more practical and real than anything on “Fear Factor” or “The Real World.” I mean, he watches football a few times a week for several months out of each year. You might as well count that as reality TV. They’re real people and the producers make the events that occur during the game and in the players' personal lives uber-dramatic. They have dramatic soundtracks to back up the story as well. They even have an entire TV channel dedicated to football!

At least neither of the programs involves people eating bugs.

And that was my reality TV rant.

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