Friday, August 20, 2004

Friday Five

1. What's the smallest amount of money you've ever had in your checking account? A big fat goose egg, but that's because I have a savings account as well.

2. What's one non-basic-need item (not things like toilet paper and deodorant) that you absolutely must have no matter how broke you are? Philosophy's Hope in a Jar. $35 seems like a lot, but it's the best moisturizer I've ever used.

3. What's your favorite cheap meal to make at home? A Fuji apple and some cheddar cheese

4. What's the first thing you treat yourself to on payday? I like to pay off my credit card debt bit by bit.

5. What are your favorite free activities to do when you're completely broke? Window shopping. . . No, I actually like going into the stores and touching everything I can't buy. Wait a second, I don't know if it's my favorite free activity if I'm tortured by the fact I can't have everything I like.

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