Sunday, August 22, 2004

Real school

The first week of law school is over. It's almost shocking how different the experience is from Rutgers. Here, I'm working hard from the get-go and it's hard to break some very bad study habits perpetuated during my time at Rutgers. I've realized that I don't have time to watch my favorite show on TV anymore. I can no longer skim the texts that I need to read.

For example, my initial reading assignment for Torts was only 30 pages long, but it took me 4 1/2 hours to read it because I didn't want to be unprepared in any way. While I was sitting in class, the preparation really helped because I didn't experience that feeling I got when I was in class sometimes in college. I followed along and knew what the professor was talking about.

So this is what real studying - and real school are like.

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