Thursday, April 06, 2006

Kindergarten memories

During Chinese New Year, there are all sorts of special treats to be had, and one of my favorites as a child were the chocolate coins, which were wrapped in gold foil.

I brought a couple in to eat during snacktime in my kindergarten class one day. I was going to throw them out when a boy came up to me and wanted the chocolatey gold foil. I didn't understand why he'd want it, so I threw it in the garbage anyway.

A few minutes later, the kid told me he took the foil out of the garbage. He showed it to me, taking the foil out of his pants - not his pockets. I guess he figured nobody would steal his precious chocolate smeared foil if it was in his tighty whities.

I think it's sad that this is one of the few things I remember about kindergarten.

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