Saturday, September 23, 2006

Wedding gowns galore

So the main reason my cousin and I are in San Jose is for the bridal shopping. She's looking for a dress and I'm bossier than she is. It was very much like the episode of Sex and the City where Charlotte's shopping at Vera Wang with her wedding gown stylist Anthony.

We were at a boutique where the customer service was subpar and the consultant kept bringing dresses that didn't meet my cousin's qualifications. I butted in and said, "So this is the last one before lunch?" At another place, I pointed out gowns for the consultant to pull out of stock for my cousin. I think I'd like to be a wedding gown stylist! I'm bossy and I have excellent taste!

Finally, we made a second visit to this boutique and tried on a dress we passed over yesterday because the train was supposed to be very long. When she came out, it was gorgeous and the dress on the top of her list faded away to the point where it seemed "blah" when she tried it on again. I was very happy when she decided that it was "the one."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty dress!