Sunday, November 05, 2006


I watched part of the marathon go by from my seat in the laundromat.

Last night, Josh celebrated his birthday with some of his fellow Fellows at Union Hall. Since Josh sent out the e-mail on Friday, not very many people could make it, so there were only 5 of us in total. We played some bocce, my first time, and none of us knew the rules. I was actually kinda bored by the game, so I was relieved when they stopped playing. While I was playing, I was wondering if the bar realized the risk they were bearing by providing this game for its patrons. A drunk guy could very easily try playing bocce and accidentally heave one of the surprisingly heavy balls into the crowd. We're not even talking about the angry drunk guy who tries to use a bocce ball to pummel a victim.

The one funny thing that came out of bocce? Josh was on the red team and I was on the blue team. My teammate pointed out that Josh was using the wrong bocce ball and I quipped, "Unless you want blue balls."

Today, Josh went to the Giants game with Dave and Jeff. I gave up my ticket so he could go with his best friends. While he was gone, I made a turkey lasagna. The recipe called for turkey sausage, but the store didn't have any. Gasp! I bought ground turkey meat and figured that I could fake the sausage flavor by adding in spices. I checked a few recipes and figured that there's a basic spice mix: fennel seed, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. There are usually a few more ingredients, but I didn't have much to work with. The best part was toasting the fennel seeds and then pulverizing them with a mallet. I never realized that fennel seeds smelled so good when toasted and crushed into powder. In the end, the turkey lasagna turned out just fine and probably healther than if I'd used turkey sausage.

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