Sunday, February 05, 2006

Subway Stink

Anyone who rides the subway in New York can tell you about how the stations sometimes smell of urine. It's probably a result of dogs peeing on subway grates and various people who pee in the station.

Yesterday, I was on my way to the NYU bookstore to purchase my textbook (seems like I can't stay out of school), and riding the 6 train. The train was waiting at the station for a moment, and this guy stood next to where I was sitting. All of a sudden, this wave of urine-odor hit my nose and my eyes watered from it. I didn't know if it was because of the guy standing next to me or a train rushing by and pushing a gust of pee-air into our train car.

The answer became clear once the doors closed and we were on our way. Normally, the doors close and keep the odor out, but the odor was with us. Kind of like When a Stranger Calls. You know, "The calls are coming from inside the house! Get out!" I don't know if the guy next to me pissed himself or liked carrying a container of urine around with him (like Rip Torn in Dodgeball, who drank urine because it was sterile and he liked the way it tasted). I tried to stick it out, but only lasted two stops. At the second stop, I bolted out of my seat and got into the next subway car.

Subway air never smelled fresher or sweeter to me.

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