Monday, February 20, 2006

Warning: Grey's Anatomy spoiler

I made that warning because some may not have seen last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy.

All I can say is, I'm very disappointed with the Meredith-George thing.

First, they say George looks like Meredith's dad, Thatcher. Gross.

Second, George's stuttering, unsure-of-himself personality are the same as Thatcher's lack of a spine. True, you could make the argument that George had guts to say his piece, unlike Thatcher, who didn't fight for his family, but that does not make him into a stronger man. In the end, Meredith would most likely turn out like her mother, verbally beating George, and then having an affair with McDreamy in the on-call room. George's confession of how he would always love Meredith is just another way of saying, "You can do whatever you want, and no matter how much you hurt me, I'll still be there for you." Yeesh, I think that's even more spineless than Thatcher's pretending Ellis Grey wasn't having an affair.

Third, they live together! If it didn't work out, they'd be in an awkward situation, and George would have to move out.

I feel an air of incest in the whole thing. I feel that Meredith and George are more in a brother-sister relationship than a love interest, not to forget that GEORGE LOOKS LIKE HER FATHER!!!

Sorry, not trying to be cynical and all that regarding George's greatest dream coming true (short of three women in a shower talking about how great his hair is), but it was a little disgusting to me (that whole incest thing, you see). We'll see if next Sunday redeems the show.

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