Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Girly Shirley

Last night, I stayed late at work to tie up loose ends before doing my civic duty and becoming a juror for Manhattan. Shirley, being a dedicated employee, is often still in the office until past 5:00, when building services turns off the air conditioning during the summer (so Shirley says, not that I stay late during the summer, me being a carefree assistant and all that good stuff). She suggested we walk together to the W. 4th subway station to catch our respective trains.

So, we were about to cross the street by our building when the following ensued:

[Peeks out past the parked cars on the side of the street and sees that the nearest vehicular traffic is still a few blocks away; begins walking across the street]

[Looks and hesitates, watching me make my way across the street]
Eek! Dora!!
[Flails arms wildly to get my attention because she thinks I'm going to get run over]

[Stops halfway across the street]
What? You can make it, Shirley!

[Jumping up and down]

[Sees traffic very close now that I've paused to look at Shirley]
[Runs back to Shirley, glaring]

[Looks sheepish]
You probably could've made it to the other side and I'd still be here being nervous.

Your shrieking could've killed me! I'm never walking to the subway station with you again! Aren't you a New Yorker and therefore used to dashing across the street??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oops! (sheepish grin)

Hell, try being sentient after a 13 hour day at work. With SAP!