Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Were you talking about this city?

Someone I work with just moved to NYC from a town in upstate New York. I have no problems with that. After all, I moved to NYC from a town in central NJ.

However, if you move to Manhattan and say that you always considered yourself a "city person," don't complain about the fact that you don't drive anywhere anymore (since you don't have a car), that groceries cost more (move to Brooklyn for less inflated prices), and that you have to settle for a one-bedroom apartment for $2200 per month when you used to have half a house for $500 per month.

Just imagine: this person is thinking about having his/her friend in Brooklyn (who has a car), take him/her to NJ to shop at Wegman's. Yes, Wegman's is awesome; I had one in my hometown, but I'm not going to schlep out there because they have a good international food section. Hello, don't we live in Manhattan? There are gourmet stores all over the place. Wegman's was not the cheapest store to shop in, and this person even admitted that if you go, bring your credit card. I guess this person is too lazy to go grocery shopping in several stores, like how the French go to different vendors to complete their shopping.

Bah. I hope he/she gets mugged by Amber.


Anonymous said...

Stop being coy - we all know who "he/she" is. And you know she just wants a ride to Wegmans because 1. she doesn't want to freaking walk and 2. she wants to buy an awful lot of food.

And by she, I mean "he/she". She also needs to shut the F up!!

Anonymous said...

As a representative of upstate NY (by birth, anyways), I disclaim this person!

Anonymous said...

Mug you, nameless he/she! Mug you!!!

Anonymous said...

"Bah. I hope he/she gets mugged by Amber."

I just keep coming back to read that line!

Dora said...

I giggle inside when I read that line too... but I don't giggle that much. Absolutely nowhere near as much as Chuck.