Saturday, February 17, 2007

Nigella go home!

I see I'm not the only one who dislikes Nigella Lawson. She really talks too much and the food isn't astounding. One of the few episodes I've watched had her declaring her greatest fear is going somewhere and getting hungry. So she likes to walk around with a sandwich at the ready in her bag. It's this black bread sandwich spread with cream cheese and black cherry jam. I was so grossed out by the idea of this gooey sandwich being smooshed around in my bag for hours. Won't the cream cheese go bad?

And I can't stand the way she doesn't stop talking! If she kept talking and left off the overdescription, it wouldn't be as bad. It's like Food Network found out guys thought Rachael Ray was hot (she's not and she annoys me when she talks) and tried to do better by getting Giada de Laurentiis. Then they figured they'd get Nigella Lawson with her British accent and ginormous err... chest. Would saying bazongas be too crass? At least Giada makes good food and doesn't annoy me.

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