Monday, August 29, 2005

Cruise Post #8: A Grand Day Out

I can tell you one person in our group had a smashbang time on the cruise: Josh's little brother ("JLB").

Josh's little brother LOVES food. He's one of those kids who asks what's for dinner when he's just started eating his lunch. His favorite dish is shrimp and pasta. If this option is unavailable, any type of seafood tossed in pasta will do just fine. If there's a bread basket at the table, he'll manage to sneak a couple pieces without his mom noticing.

[Josh's little brother], how many pieces of bread did you have? I gave you one to start.


Are you sure you had only one?

I had three!

There was no bread basket at our table, but the assistant server for our table was constantly replenishing JLB's bread plate, so we never really knew how much bread he ate.

Another day, JLB got lost on the ship. Even though I say that the ship wasn't as large as the one we were on last year, it's still a huge place for a kid to be lost in. Josh's parents wanted to take a walk and JLB was focused on the TV, so they told him to keep watching TV while they went out for a walk.

When Josh's parents returned to the cabin, JLB was gone. Josh's parents called me and the Nocheese family, and he wasn't with any of us. I left my cabin to join the search for JLB, only to bump into Mr. and Mrs. Nocheese. We walked towards Josh's parents' cabin and there were a couple stewards in the hallway. I began to speak to one of them, inquiring about a wandering kid when Mrs. Nocheese butted in, saying, "Dora, no. He speak Russian. I vill speak to heem." Okay fine, if her wish is to act as though he is unable to communicate with English-speaking guests, go right ahead.

I left the Nocheeses behind and ran into Josh's parents, plus JLB, on the way. It turns out that JLB managed to get from the sixth to the third floor of the ship and spoke to the information desk staff. He wrote out his name and home address, saying, "I lost my family, especially my daddy."

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