Saturday, August 06, 2005

One year

It's been about a year since I moved to New York City and a lot has changed since then.

I still remember the first day I officially lived in my apartment. I moved in a couple days earlier than I'd expected, so the cable installation was still two days away. I felt disconnected from the world without an internet connection or TV. That evening, I wasn't prepared to cook, so Josh and I went to the market to pick up some sushi, but also picked up these maple syrup stroop waffles. Now whenever I eat them, I think of the first day I lived in New York.

Since that first day, I've completed my first year of law school. Let's just say I was disappointed with the whole thing because the only thing I felt at the end of the school year was relief that I finished. There was no major feeling of accomplishment and pride. It was more of a feeling of, "Get me the hell out of here and so long suckers until fall semester!"

I learned that law school doesn't really teach you anything. Josh has learned more at his summer internship than in two semesters of law school. You can't even make an argument that law school teaches you how to pass the Bar exam, but your Bar review course teaches you everything you need to know. I once accused the law school of teaching you how to be a thick skinned lawyer because of all the useless and frustrating crap that gets thrown at you. My academic advisor denied that, of course. That's okay. I bet she didn't even like being a lawyer and that's why she came back for a cushy law school administration job (for a school whose administration does no administrating).

Now I've changed my life plans to pursue a career in publishing instead. That decision was the most comfortable one I've made in my life despite the money spent on that first year of law school. I constantly doubted my decision to go to law school but this is a decision that I don't doubt at all.

I wonder what living in New York City will be like now that I'm not tied up in all the law school hoo-ha and anxiety.

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