Thursday, January 27, 2005

Buy stock in Bounty

Posted by Hello

The cats have been so bad lately. Here are just a few things they've done:
  1. Morty jumped into the shower and got soaking wet and then sat in the litter box while the litter clumped around his wet paws. Then he got out and shook himself, scattering clumps of litter all over the bathroom.
  2. Half an hour after the floor was washed, Morty stepped in poop and tracked it on the no-longer-clean floor.
  3. Morty fell in the toilet (on a different day).
  4. Eli got curious about a glass of soda on the coffee table and when he stuck his paw in it, he knocked it over and soda was all over the floor.
  5. Somebody didn't clean their butt and got a poop smear on the duvet.
  6. Eli stole a chunk of raw chicken from the bowl that I was about to pour marinade into. Then he put it on the floor because he took a piece that was 5 times bigger than his mouth.

What are kitties doing now? Sleeping, of course! They're so pooped from sleeping all day that they have to nap all evening.

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