Sunday, January 23, 2005


I read a number of blogs regularly since I'd rather do almost anything besides the reading that's due. One thing that annoys me is spelling and grammar. Oh, I understand there's that certain way of typing when you're online because it's faster and informal. However, when someone's trying to be serious on their blog about some current event/issue, I find it hard to take them seriously when they don't take the time to check their spelling.

Try this on for size: how u gon get you're respect?

I find it difficult to write that way on purpose. I'm not saying that blogs have to be perfect because they don't! It's push-button publishing so people can voice their opinions, etc. I'm sure I've got all sorts of weird mistakes all over my entries. I just hope people are more careful in their professional/educational writing before wrong impressions are made to superiors who aren't so carefree.

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