Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Hold the conversation

Now that I've passed through the worst of my Tylenol Cold-drugged haze, I can tell my three regular readers about something Josh, Joe, and I noticed about our fellow diners at Zoƫ on New Year's Day.

We were having our conversations about various subjects: jobs, real estate, parents, etc. The tables flanking us were occupied by couples in their 60s. Joe noticed that one of the old people gave him a dirty look when we were discussing bad parenting. To that old person, we were whippersnappers who had no idea what parenting was like, and were therefore ungrateful brats who did not deserve to breathe from the same airspace as them in an upscale Manhattan restaurant. At the other table, the other couple was dining on green eggs and ham (no joke, the eggs were really green). We did notice that the couple did not exchange words at all. Josh believes they were having marital problems. He's probably right that about there possibly being something up besides our youthful offensiveness. We were dining at a great restaurant on a beautiful day! There must be something they can say a few words about. Josh said that the old guy was staring at me the whole time. He says that he was probably staring at my chest.

I say that he was staring at me because I kept blowing my nose. He probably thought I had SARS.

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