Sunday, January 30, 2005

Reading is funda-MENTAL

Yesteday, I got up at 7:30 and was at the reading room at school by 10:30. Why not the library, you ask? Well, the librarians at my school are food and drink Nazis, so you can only bring water into that building, unless you put your beverage or liquidated sandwich into the specially sanctioned NYLS sippy cup mug. The reading room also has comfier seats, so if I'm settling in for the long haul, I'd rather my butt be comfortable. In general, the reading room is the nicest room in the entire school. Everything else looks like a flimsy piece of crap. I get this feeling that the school isn't trying very hard because they supposedly have plans to move locations. It won't happen until after I'm done though, so I don't care.

I was at the reading room until 5:00 yesterday. This morning, I did it again, only I got there a little after 9. I was so early that all the lights were off, so I had to try out a dozen light switches to get the overhead lights on. I never realized how much my voice can echo in that room. Since I had it to myself for an hour, I was talking on the phone and dancing on the tables. I'm just kidding about the last part. I stayed until 2:00 today because I forgot to bring one of my books.

I was also annoyed at this older, heavy-set woman in the reading room with me. She kept opening and closing her bottle of soda. I had my headphones on and I could hear the hissss each time she opened it. She also kept walking in and out of the room, letting the door slam and echo through the room. When I went to the library to look for the book I'd forgotten to bring, I realized that the woman was walking back and forth to the library to use the computers and do research.


Pretty soon after that, I decided to leave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why are we tough about the food and drink? Because roaches *three inches long* have been spotted in the buiding!