Friday, January 14, 2005

S.A.D. - School Affected Disorder

And so ends my first week of second semester. I'm sure the cruddy weather didn't help the way I perceived the whole experience. There's no giddy feeling of newness. I definitely do not like law school.

Last night, I found a job online that I would have been perfect for and made a good deal of money. I was so tempted to send my resume, considering it's just been revamped for this upcoming career symposium. Josh said it would be best if I didn't send it in because I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it if the company wanted to hire me.

So here I am, trying to apply for different employers for this symposium at NYU. The website doesn't even work half the time because their server can't handle the traffic.

Law is not glamorous.


Anonymous said...

EEP! EEP! Hi Dora! Shit, you're stuck doing the Law thing too? I feel your pain. I'm serious. My property book just fell on me.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there... it gets better. I swear. I'm a 2L and all last year I was more miserable than I even knew it was possible to be. This year: 1000 times better. Getting out of Legal Reseach and Writing frees up, like, 40 hours a week. I get 7-8 hours of sleep most nights. I have time to watch the occasional TV show. And word on the street is that 3rd year is even better...

Dora said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I know I'll be in law school for at least the rest of this semester and if it was even worse than last semester, maybe I'll have to reevaluate my plans.