Sunday, May 29, 2005

Darth Wuss

Since Josh is starting his summer job this Tuesday, he's trying to enjoy his last free weekend as much as possible. That means that we went to see Star Wars finally.

I guess I can say that Revenge of the Sith was better than the first two prequel movies. Then again, that's like saying an elephant is bigger than a mouse. The dialogue was definitely an improvement over Attack of the Clones, but the movie had too many soap opera-esque moments for my taste. I'm talking about all of those "No, he couldn't! You're lying!" moments and overly dramatic facial expressions.

Halfway through the movie, I came to the conclusion that Darth Vader isn't that scary. He's an astonishingly stupid little boy whose arrogance allowed him to become little more than a puppet. I will never view Episodes 4-6 the same way.

The saving grace of the movie? That would definitely be R2-D2, Yoda, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. I also liked seeing the beginnings of the X-wing and the tie fighter. It helps bridge Episode 3 and Episode 4, especially since a lot of people had beef with the technological superiority/prettiness of Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.

And John Williams hasn't lost his touch after all this time.

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