Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Is it tomorrow yet?

By this time tomorrow, I will be done with my first year of law school, the infamous 1L.

At this time, I'm trying to study for contracts, but I'm still tired despite having had eight hours of sleep last night. I only got about three hours the night before my criminal law exam because I couldn't fall asleep. I think my body's tired of this whole law school thing. I think it's in depression because it's gorgeous outside and I have to waste the day inside, studying a subject that I'm probably going to do poorly in (again).

Last semester, we had one essay for our contracts final and now I've found out that we had three essays (one with two parts) to finish in an hour and forty-five minutes followed by the multiple choice section that I absolutely bombed last semester. Yikes!

In the words of Peter Griffin, "This is going to be more intense than the time I forgot how to sit down."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck! good skill!