Sunday, May 01, 2005

Update from Itch Central

Yup, those hives are still here. I couldn't sit around any longer and I had to seek medical attention. However, I have no health insurance, and therefore don't want to go to a hospital and spend goodness knows only how much.

Also the next problem: where was I going to find a dermatologist on a Sunday morning?

Of course - Chinatown, the magical place where doctors work on weekends.

I visited a dermatologist I'd seen once before and paid my $80 fee at 11:30 when I got there. After about 15 minutes, I got to see the doctor, who promptly told me that the sudden outbreak of hives was probably due to a food that I normally eat, but have suddenly developed an allergy for. He told me to restrict my diet to chicken, pork, rice, and vegetables (excluding tomatoes and corn in any form). After he said that, I was afraid that I just spent $80 to hear something I already knew.

It turned out all right in the end, as I walked out of the office with a stockpile of Zyrtec and Alavert samples. I was in and out in less than 45 minutes.

Hopefully, I won't be itching my way through the Property exam tomorrow.

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