Saturday, March 26, 2005

Get out!

I had another nightmare.

I dreamed I had just left my apartment to go to school, but turned around because I'd forgotten my PDA. When I stepped into the apartment, I saw Spiff, one of my über-competitive classmates at my desk with my Palm, and he was looking through my data, trying to make sure I didn't know something he didn't know.

I demanded to know what he was doing, and Spiff said that he had to know how I was getting interviews because he had better grades than me. If I could get those interviews, he should be able to interview there as well because he was sooooo much smarter.

After that, the rest of the nightmare was a strange situation where I proctored a spelling test and had to read words for the test. Later, I had to read a book out loud, where the test takers had to listen and guess which of the words was actually being tested.

Jeez, what the heck did I eat that made me dream like that?

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