I ended my temp job yesterday. I have to say I will miss it (if not for the spectacular views of Central Park from the office, then for the wonderful people I met). I doubt I'll be running into minor celebrities during my Starbucks runs when I'm at my internship. I took to the temp position like a duck to water, thanks to my time at the Conk. My supervisor seemed surprised to find me intelligent because I could ::gasp!:: solve problems and make constructive suggestions. One of the other people in the office went to law school and gave me some advice, which was nice.
Perhaps I enjoyed this temp job so much because I had a very brief stint at another temp job last week. My agency told me that it was filing, but when I got to the job, it turned out that I had to take out each file folder and go through each document to check for duplicates. Duplicates had to be discarded, unless they had signatures and after about half an hour, I wanted to walk out the door. During my lunch break, I called the agency and my first day was my last day at that assignment. I know that at these jobs, I'm just the temp and probably won't be remembered, so I shouldn't have been disturbed by the lack of conversation from the people at that first job or their insipid handshakes.
At the Central Park job, people had firm handshakes (I find that to be very important) and actually asked me questions about what I did. They were sad to see me go, and I was sad to leave them too. I actually left the office with some business cards and offers of help whenever I needed a recommendation, so it was a good experience.
Now that Josh and I have switched into full-time work mode, we appreciate our weekends a lot better. Now there's that feeling that hanging around watching TV isn't going to cut it anymore. Today we only managed to get lunch in Chinatown because I was too tired to do anything else.
However, we plan to get much more accomplished tomorrow because I will remember to wear a hat so I won't get a headache like today.
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