Sunday, September 11, 2005

Where were you?

I remember that I was in the Livingston student center that morning, buying my dunkaccino at Dunkin Donuts. I was dreading going to my communication class when I looked at the TV to see one of the towers burning. I remember the students watching in stunned silence.

I remember being in that 9:50 class when a student ran in to announce that one of the towers had fallen. Sometimes I wonder who told that student to make the announcement. The professor let those students with family and friends who worked in NYC leave early, and I left class.

Rutgers wound up dismissing class for the day while I was on the bus back to my campus, and classes were cancelled for the next couple days as well. I actually had to work that day and we could see the smoke from the top level of the bookstore's parking garage.

It was a strangely surreal time and the details of that day are very sharp to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was one of my free mornings so I was doing laundry, doing homework, surfing the web. Checked in on one of my forums and saw about 14 threads all saying some variation of planes, WTC, turn on TV now. Same with a chat room I hang out in. Turned on my TV, didn't turn it off for about 12-14 hours...watched the smoke from the top floor of Hardenburgh when I was drying and folding my laundry. Spent the day calling my now-fiance, my own family, family of friends and friends of friends...

One of my friends was supposed to be at work that day in the towers. He wasn't. An uncle who drives a taxicab was at the base when the first plane hit. He left without looking up. Another friend went towards the confusion and served at St. Paul's Chapel during the relief efforts.