Friday, February 11, 2005

Batten down the hatches!

You might not hear back from me for a while; I apologize ahead of time. In the meantime, I'll write a long post.

My Appellate brief is due next week, and I haven't done much work on it beyond the one argument (of two) that was due a couple weeks ago. I didn't do awesome on it, but I didn't suck.

Let the weekend of hell begin as I try to cram in as much reading as possible by Saturday afternoon so I can flesh out my paper for the rest of the day and then write like there's no tomrrow on Sunday.

I've been a good girl with my papers since sophomore year (with just a couple naughty exceptions along the way), always finishing them a day or two early. That holds true for law school, so I'm going to work really hard on this paper so I don't have to worry about it anymore. I swear, it's the only thing on my mind since I got my argument grade back yesterday.

Oh, and my interview? It was disappointing. They were disappointed that I could speak only Cantonese. They asked if I could speak Mandarin. Duh, if I could, it'd be on my resume. They asked if I could read Chinese. Ditto on that one, buddy. The organization has a worthy cause, but I won't be devastated if I don't get it. I am now looking into some non-legal summer work in anticipation of rejection. (When's the last time I sent out a cover letter??)

The bad thing: I got to see what a REAL law school looks like as I made my way to the interview room. NYU law is beautiful... lavish.... extravagant. Their elevators... they work, and they're so quick! They're not slower than that old guy who's creaking along as you're stuck behind him, 5 minutes late to class. Oof, seeing the campus made me jealous and depressed that I'm not smart enough or rich enough to go to NYU.

The good thing: the suit looked awesome.

Perhaps I should explain my fascination with functional elevators. My school consists of 3 buildings, all connected to each other even though some of the floors don't line up; hence, the A building is only connected to the others on the 5th floor. There are a total of 5 1/2 elevators (one only travels to the 5th floor). None of them travels at a decent speed, and they hold from 5 to 12 people (there's one freight elevator we use - that's why we can get about 12 students inside). During class changes, people line up for the elevators and when one finally shows up, it's like watching a sad clown car skit of students with huge bookbags filled with 40 lbs. of casebooks and their laptops cramming into a tiny elevator. I swear, the one in the B building dips 3 inches if 5 people step in.

Take care for now and if you don't hear from me after next Thursday, assume I killed myself because I couldn't finish my brief.

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