Uno Morty burrito por favor, hold the cojones

Just think: On Thursday at this time, I'll be done with Written and Oral Advocacy forever.
However, until that time, I have to practice my oral argument by talking to a wall (I can't practice in front of a mirror because I think it's weird). I don't think I'm as nervous as I was this weekend, but I've reached the mindset where I just want it to be over with and wished that our group had picked the 10:30 a.m. timeslot for today.
On the upside, the weather has taken a turn for the San Franciscan. It's nice and cool, perfect to walk around the city, but I can't do that until after Thursday. The only way I get to enjoy the weather is by studying on the roof, and I've started bringing the cats up there too since Josh and I bought leashes and harnesses for them. They get scared and start shivering, hence the picture of a kitty burrito above.
Right, so it's time to start practicing for this moot court thing so I don't make a cake of myself again. I've started looking at it like a gynecologist appointment. It makes you anxious and uncomfortable before and during, but once it's over, you're relieved and won't have to do it again for a very long time.
Actually, I think I'd take a gyno appointment over this moot court thing. I'll take a scary pair of salad tongs any day over three scary judges.
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